Dr. James Mungall and Post Doctoral Fellow Zhuo-sen Yao have published this month, with their paper entitled: Kinetic controls on the sulfide mineralization of komatiite-associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits
GCA 305 185-211
Genesis of magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits involves many interconnected and multiple-scale processes in the fields of thermodynamics, kinetics and fluid dynamics.
Some take-home points:
- important deposits and magmatic sulfides can form from komatiitic magmas that have not reached equilibrium sulfide saturation because sulfide xenomelts will pick up metals and eventually settle out even when the bulk magma remains sulfide-undersaturated
- the compositions of the accumulated sulfide drops are sensitive to the duration of their immersion in the silicate melt which is controlled the effects of flow velocity and sulfide droplet radius
For the full paper, please click Here
Posted on: Friday, June 4, 2021