4th Year Field Course/Graduate Field Trip

We offer an field course each year under ERTH 4807/ERTH 5903 (Field Studies).

ERTH 3209 - Mineral Exploration Field Geology

This two-week field course is designed to simulate a reconnaissance-level mineral exploration campaign in typical Canadian Shield terrane northwest of Sudbury, ON.  Participants will map a 2 square km area of Archean volcanic and metasedimentary rocks overlain by Paleoproterozoic metasediments.  They will also map exploration trenches, interpret airborne geophysical survey data, plan a small diamond drill program, and write a report comprising a review of previous work on the property, the results of the mapping exercise, and their recommendations for further exploration.  The skills attained in this course are equally applicable to either economic or academic geological field work.

Our field trips travel around the world