News Story

Dr. Richard Ernst and Dr. Hafida El Bilali attend "Earth History Dynamics & Planetary Habitability" conference

Dr. Richard Ernst (Scientist in Residence) and Dr. Hafida El Bilali (Research Associate) were invited to the prestigious “Earth History, Dynamics & Planetary Habitabilityconference, November 14-18, 2022, held in Sundvollen (outside Oslo), Norway.

This conference had 53 Keynote Talks and was sponsored by the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED). This conference marked the final year of CEED as a Norwegian Centre of Excellence (2013-2023) and the beginning of a new 10-year “Center of Excellence for Planetary Habitability” also sponsored by the Norwegian Research Council.

At the CEED conference Richard gave one of the Keynote Talks and Hafida gave a poster:

Richard presenting his talk at CEED


Hafida and renown seismologist Dr. Barbara Romanowicz in front
of Hafida's poster at CEED conference

Hafida and Richard with influential geophysicist/mantle dynamics modeller
Dr. Anne Davaille in front of Hafida's poster at CEED conference

A few days later Richard and Hafida were in Copenhagen, Denmark visiting Dr. Pierpaolo Guarnieri at the GEUS (Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark) and were each invited to present at GEUS on November 22nd: 


Richard and Hafida in front of GEUS (Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark)

Richard and Hafida with our host, Dr. Pierpaolo Guarnieri at GEUS


Poster and Keynote Speakers from CEED conference

Photo credit: Richard Ernst

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