
Undergraduate Earth Sciences Skills Boot Camp

Monday, August 29, 2022
8:30am to 5:30pm
Herzberg 2120 & 2130

The Department of Earth Sciences will be running a Boot camp from August 29th to September 2, geared towards helping 3rd and 4th Earth Science students catch up on necessary skill sets they were unable to develop during the two years courses were offered online.

This course-spread over a five day period-will teach you how to identify minerals and rocks and introduce crystallography, crystal chemistry and systematic minerology. You will learn how to use polarized light microscopy and other analytical methods. And you will learn how to interpret and communicate observations.

Dates: August 29th to September 2nd
Time:  8:30am to 5:30pm
Delivery Method: In-person
Location: 2120 & 2130 Herzberg building, and field locations that vary each day
Required pre-requisite courses: ERTH 1006 and ERTH 2102
Full Program Fee: $50

For more details on the course and to register, please visit the Future EDge page and hurry to complete your registration before spots fill up!


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